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Transponder ID and Generation

"ID's" are defined by the type, manufacturer and configuration of the specific transponder.

The aftermarket automotive industry has categorised these into easy to recognise numbers e.g ID60, ID46 etc.

To save on carrying all types of pre configured transponder, many tools can "Generate" some specific ID's needed from the appropriate unconfigured "base" chip.

Manufacturers and Types

Texas Instruments DST

Texas Transponders have had several versions over the years starting with - fixed code "4C" to crypto "DST40" to DST80 and beyond. Think of these as advancements of technology that have been introduced into new vehicles as time goes on.

One source of confusion is the new gen DST80 Transponder which has replaced the older DST40 type. Details below.

DST40 - ID60

This is Texas Instruments first "Crypto" Transponder and was commonly used a wide variety of vehicles.

Some immobiliser producers required the transponder to have a specific password, others may use a small amount of unique user data. Whatever the case may be, these will identify as "ID60" "ID62" "ID67" etc etc depending on how they are configured.

DST40 is now obsolete and transponders in this mode are no long produced. 

DST80 - ID6F-60 

DST80 is Texas Instruments replacement/advancement over the older DST40 transponder. This new transponder contains much more available data that can be implemented make it operate in multiple modes.

The main advantage is that this new transponder can operate in DST40 OR DST80 mode, so it is completely backwards compatible for the older immobilisers.

These keys ID exactly the same as DST40 except they are headed with a "6F" or "6E" to indicate the transponder is DST80 compatible or using 80 bit encryption.

All aftermarket transponders will be supplied in this format.

Texas Instruments chip generating

Base Transponder:

  • 60 (or 6F-60)

Can be Generated into:

  • 61
  • 62
  • 65
  • 66
  • 67
  • 68
  • 70

NXP (Phillips) HITAG

NXP use HITAG ID46 transponder encoding. The base transponder can be configured to transmit data in a specific way (Biphase/Manchester encoding). It also contains a small amount of user defined data, that can be utilised if desired.

The choice of what type of encoding and user data is used in the automotive sector is entirely decided by the particular immobiliser manufacturer at the time.

This is why for some vehicles a "base" ID46 PCF7936 is not sufficient for diagnostic programming and must be configured first. If not, the immobiliser will not be able to program the key.

NXP chip generating

Base Transponder:

  • 46 PCF7936 (Password/Manchester)

Can be Generated into:

  • 46 Mitsubishi CDP (Crypto/Biphase)
  • 46 GM Circle Plus (Crypto/Manchester)
  • 46 Chrysler CAN (Crypto/Manchester)


Megamos ID48 has been a standard in many automotive systems especially VAG group. As with other types of Transponders the secret and user data on the key can be configured to suit unique applications if needed. Such as VW "CAN" etc where the immobiliser needs to see specific data on the key before it can be programmed. 

Megamos chip generating

Base Transponder:

  • 48 

Can be Generated into:

  • 48 A1 - Volkswagen CAN
  • 48 A2 - Audi CAN
  • 48 A3 - Seat CAN 
  • 48 A4 - Skoda CAN 

Fixed Code Transponders and "T5"

Fixed code transponders in their original form (genuine) would be appropriately ready for diagnostic use. However due to associated costs genuine keys are not normally an applicable option.

A simple solution is to "emulate" the required fixed code key onto a T5 transponder.

T5 Transponders

T5 Transponders can be used for fixed code immobilisers, but of the shelf they come blank with no data.

This is because a T5 is not technically a real Transponder, but rather an Emulator. It is designed to replicate the form and function of many Fixed Code Transponders.

This is why before programming, we need to "tell" to T5 what we need it to be. Otherwise the car will not be able to program it.

A T5 can be used to create the following:

  • Temic ID11
  • Temic ID12
  • Phillips ID33/73
  • Megamos ID13

Depending on the tool, these can be automatically generated or may require to be manually created with specific data.

Tools with Generation functions

Below are few of the mainstream tools able to generate or configure transponders.

  • Tango
  • RW4 TRP Program
  • AD900/Cyclone Pro
  • Zedbull
  • Zedfull
  • Miraclone

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